Friday, January 16, 2009

More Afghanistan updates and a slide-show

The latest from Dexter Filkins for The New York Times:

Afghan Bombs Kill 14; 5 From U.S.
(Published: January 9, 2009)

Biden Arrives in Afghanistan to Discuss the War
(Published: January 10, 2009)

Afghan Schoolgirls Undeterred by Attack
(Published: January 14, 2009)

And an article for "Scotland on Sunday"
A narco nation on the take (Published: January 11, 2009)

On The New York Times website, a slide-show with Danfung Dennis' photos is available: “The resilience of Kandahar”

(photo credited to Danfung Dennis for The New York Times)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Afghan updates by Dexter Filkins

Nothing brand new! I'm sure you have already read these NYT articles but I thought it could be good to archive the links here.

The picture is credited to Danfung Dennis for the New York Times and comes from the second article. To be honest, I didn't know Danfung Dennis before this (or did not notice his name) and I have searched for more of his work. Impressive for a young photojournalist!

Afghans and U.S. Plan to Recruit Local Militias (Published: December 23, 2008)
Bribes Corrode Afghans’ Trust in Government (Published: January 1, 2009)
Taking a Break From War With a Game Anything but Gentle (Published: Jaunary 2, 2009)

I wish you all a Happy New Year!